Mobilversion aktivieren
Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P

Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P

11.09.23 12:57 152Text: Lukas Salzer (Prevedeno z AI)Fotografije: Erwin HaidenŠvabi, pionirji na področju elektronsko spuščajočih sedežnih opor, se podajajo v tretji krog z Vyron MDS-V3. Hitro, intuitivno, ergonomsko - Magura zdaj izpolnjuje vse zahteve za premijski dropper.11.09.23 12:57 153

Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P

11.09.23 12:57 153 Lukas Salzer (Prevedeno z AI) Erwin Haiden
  • AI generated translation
  • AI-generated translation refers to the process of using artificial intelligence, particularly machine learning models, to automatically translate text or speech from one language to another. These systems, such as neural machine translation models, analyze large datasets of multilingual content to learn patterns and associations between languages. The generated translations are based on statistical probabilities and context learned during training.
Švabi, pionirji na področju elektronsko spuščajočih sedežnih opor, se podajajo v tretji krog z Vyron MDS-V3. Hitro, intuitivno, ergonomsko - Magura zdaj izpolnjuje vse zahteve za premijski dropper.11.09.23 12:57 153

Kdo je to izumil? Magura! Švabi, ki so predvsem znani po svojih zavorah, so leta 2016 predstavili prvo na svetu brezžično krmiljeno teleskopsko sedežno oporo Vyron. Konec prejšnjega leta je sledila tretja generacija, ki je obljubljala ključne spremembe v hitrosti, odpornosti in logiki upravljanja. Vse dejstva o tem v naši predstavitvi produkta.
Zdaj je bil čas, da temeljito testiramo tretjo stopnjo evolucije - in to je storil pravi Vyron-intimus, saj je testni voznik Lukas Salzer sedel na predhodni različici že od leta 2019 ...

 Vožnja namesto prčkanja 

Magura je že zgodaj vedela: Dropperposts s funkcijo brezžičnega daljinskega upravljanja imajo svoje prednosti
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P

Zakaj brezžični spustni sedež?

Kaj pravzaprav govori v prid v izbiri elektronske sedežne opore? Glavni razlog je zagotovo otročje lahka montaža.
Vlečenje kabla in montaža običajne spustne opore je lahko malo do nič zabavno. Pri Vyron MDS-V3 je vstavljanje in odstranjevanje bistveno hitrejše.
Edino enodelna sponka daljinskega upravljalnika potrebuje pri prvi montaži, odvisno od tega, katere ročaje uporabljate, nekoliko več časa kot stari sistem z gumijastimi obročki.
S tem odpadejo morebitni ropotajoči kabelski vodi tradicionalno vodenih variabilnih opor in tudi sile za upravljanje so manjše.
Drugi razlog je urejen videz na krmilu – kjer ni Bowdenovega kabla, tam ni kablovske zmešnjave!

Vendar ne igrajo vlogo samo videz in preprosta montaža. Glede na namen uporabe je morda prednost preprosta menjava na trdo sedežno oporo.
Bodisi, da se želi prihraniti na teži (na žalost ima V3 celo malo več maščobe na bokih kot predhodna verzija.) Ali pa ker je na obzorju potovanje z bikepackingom. Ker žal pri brezžičnih modelih zaradi krmilne enote na opori ni mogoče namestiti torb za pod sedež.
Zadnja, bolj teoretična ideja, bi bila možnost uporabe opore na več kolesih.

Tehnični podatki

Material: Aluminij Barva: črna
Dolžina: 379/404/474/499 mm Oddaljeno upravljanje: Wireless Remote Control
Premer: 30,9 mm/31,6 mm Vodotesnost: Certifikat IP67
Razpon nastavitve: 100/125/150/175 mm Baterija: CR2 v sedežni opori, CR2032 v daljincu, zamenljiva, čas delovanja približno eno leto
Možnost potovanja (Travel-Option): od 175 na 150 mm oz. od 125 na 100 mm (in obratno) Montaža: ločena objemka, Magura Shift-Mix, Sram Matchmaker
Minimalna globina vstavitve: 120 mm Teža: 711 g sedežna opora, 42 g daljinec, vsak vključno z baterijami (175/31,6 mm)
Setback: 0 mm Cena: € 579,90 priporočena maloprodajna cena
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P

Številke in podatki

Z UVP od € 579,90 Magura Vyron MDS-V3 šteje med dražje predstavnike svoje vrste. Ampak v primerjavi z ameriško konkurenco je precej ugodnejša.
Na voljo je v štirih izvedbah z nastavitvenimi območji 100 mm, 125 mm, 150 mm ali 175 mm. Premer je bodisi 30,9 ali 31,6 mm.
Zanimiva možnost je opcijski Travelkit, ki pri verziji 175 mm in 125 mm zamenjavo dna potopne cevi zmanjša hod za 25 mm. Torej: 175-mm različico lahko omejite na 150 mm hoda in 125-mm različico na 100 mm hoda.

Pri testirani 175-mm različici znaša višina vgradnje približno 235 mm (merjeno od spodnjega roba matic do sredine sedežnega okvirja); 240 mm je do mesta, kjer se potopna cev zoži in ima še grobo površino.
Skupna dolžina vgradnje je navedena z 499 mm in minimalna globina vstavitve znaša 120 mm.

  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P

Pri teži neusmiljena Bikeboard tehtnica pokaže 753 gramov (175 mm/31,6 mm vključno z daljinskim upravljalnikom in baterijami).
Presenetljivo je to več kot 100 gramov težje, kot stara verzija, in logično tudi 100-200 g več v primerjavi s kabelsko povezano oporo.
Vseeno se Vyron MDS-V3 v tem pogledu ne potrebuje skrivati pred Rock Shox Reverb AXS (proizvajalčeva specifikacija).

Za razliko od prejšnje verzije se Magura zdaj popolnoma zanaša na ne-polnilne baterije - eno
CR2 za opornikom in klasično CR2032 okroglo celico v daljinskem upravljalniku.
Švabi obljubljajo do eno leto avtonomije, preden bo treba baterije zamenjati.
V roki z odmikom od vgrajene baterije prihaja večja odpornost: opora in daljinski upravljalnik sta zdaj vodotesna in certificirana po IP-67. Torej, pri dežju in pranju kolesa (z nizkim tlakom vode) glede tega ni več treba skrbeti.

Če sta V1 in V2 še delovali z ANT+ standardom, trenutna verzija uporablja Bluetooth za hitrejšo in varčnejšo radijsko povezavo. In prav tako hitrejši je postal pogonski motor, kar skupaj z novim notranjim mehanizmom vodi do bistveno hitrejšega odzivnega časa.

  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P

Sedežna objemka sprejme tako okrogle 7x7 mm kot visoko ovalne 7x9 mm ogrodje sedeža.
Zaradi preverjenega dizajna z dvema vijakoma je naklon sedeža enostavno in natančno nastaviti.
Za preverjanje zračnega tlaka je treba oporo izvleči. Ventil se nahaja na spodnji strani in je zaščiten pred umazanijo v okvirju.

Izdelava Magura Vyron MDS-V3 je brezhibna. V obdobju testa do zdaj ni bilo nobenih težav z oporo.
Pomembno, kot pri skoraj vseh spustnih sedežnih oporah: Objemka okvirja ne sme biti preveč zategnjena. Previsok navor zategovanja trajno vpliva na funkcionalnost, oziroma opora potem sploh ne deluje.

  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P

Staro vs. novo

Že dobra štiri leta zasebno vozim različico V2 Vyrona. Vzdržljiva in, če ne pozabim na polnjenje, zanesljivo opravlja svojo službo. Velikega servisa do zdaj ni bilo potrebno, samo tukaj in tam preveriti zračni tlak in očistiti odstranjevalno tesnilo, pa je.
Steblo je dobilo malo več bočne igre in pri trdih udarcih se opora spusti za en do dva milimetra – mimogrede, enako velja za novo V3.
Prav prijetno pozitivno poročilo; od tega bi si lahko marsikatera druga variostütze vzela rezino!

Vendar sta pri predhodniku vedno motili dve stvari. Prvič, daljinski upravljalnik: Nerodno oblikovan in nekako okoren je bil Elect-Remote V1 in V2.
Namestitev daljinskega upravljalnika na kolo s Shimano zavorami je bila skoraj nemogoča. Objemke Shimano zavor so bile preprosto predebele za staro krmilno enoto. Na koncu so (v pravem slogu MacGyverja) Dremel, lepilo in kitara plektron rešili problem združljivosti in znatno izboljšali ergonomijo.
Drugič, bila je počasna in precej posebna delovna metoda prejšnje različice:
Z aktiviranjem daljinskega upravljalnika se je ventil za spuščanje opore odprl in zaprl v približno eni sekundi. V tem času je bilo treba ostati v želenem položaju, da se je nastavila višina sedeža. Drugače se je dvignila nazaj. To ni bilo res vredno omembe na udobni turi, vendar je sčasoma postalo naporno in izčrpavajoče.

 Hitre odzivne reakcije, oster pritisk, kratek hod ročice, majhne sile upravljanja 

Magura je opravila svojo domačo nalogo!
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P

V3 v akciji

Z V3 ostane ventil zdaj ves čas odprt, dokler je gumb pritisnjen - prav tako, kot smo vajeni pri običajnih dropper sedežnih oporah. Elektronska enota na glavi opore je postala nekoliko večja in malo glasnejša; očitno je to cena za hitrost odziva in zamenljivo baterijo.
Dejansko se prenovljena opora odziva bliskovito, točka pritiska na ročici je ostra, hod ročice prijetno kratek in sile za upravljanje so nizke. To še posebej pozitivno izstopa na tehničnem terenu.
Oblika upravljalne ročice bi lahko bila - vsaj zame - boljša ne bi mogla biti. Položaj roke ostaja vedno enak in palec se za aktiviranje zdaj sprožilne ročice mora le minimalno razmakniti. Še posebej na tekmovanjih in v stresnih situacijah je to prednost, ki ne bi smela biti podcenjena in bi morala več kot kompenzirati dodatno težo.

Z novo daljinskim upravljalnikom je torej Vyron postala precej bolj ergonomska. Zahvaljujoč Magura Shiftmix in Sram Matchmaker kompatibilnosti se ročica lahko namesti tudi bolj elegantno - gumijastemu obročku lahko rečemo zbogom! Poleg tega je sistem zdaj kompatibilen tudi s Shimano objemkami.
Lepo: Majhna LED lučka informira o statusu povezave.

  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P

Med preskusnim obdobjem ni bilo opaženih neželenih prekinitev povezave. Spanje način (podrobnosti spodaj) bi lahko imel nepričakovan učinek pri daljših turah.
Če je vzdržljivost - za kar nekaj testnih tednov še ne moremo podati veljavnih rezultatov - primerljiva s prejšnjim modelom, bo z novo Vyron uporabnik zadovoljen dolgo časa.
In zahvaljujoč Travelkitu je opora bolj pripravljena za prihodnost. Tako si na primer pri nakupu novega okvirja ni treba delati 25 mm manj skrbi glede višine vgradnje ...

Spi dobro!

Ena stvar, ki jo je treba upoštevati, je način spanja. Po dveh urah neaktivnosti preide opora v stanje pripravljenosti. Po tem je ni mogoče prebuditi s pomočjo daljinskega upravljalnika.
Namesto tega je treba na kratko pritisniti gumb z belim logotipom Magura na opori sedeža (pri tem se za kratek čas obarva rdeče), da se ponovno vzpostavi povezava z daljinskim upravljalnikom.
Ta lastnost sicer prihrani energijo, vendar je lahko moteča, če se nanjo pozabi pred odhodom.
Na srečo je gumb med vožnjo lahko dostopen in opora je hitreje povezana, kot se roka vrne na krmilo.
Mimogrede: z istim gumbom je mogoče oporo sedeža aktivirati tudi v primeru, da je baterija daljinskega upravljalnika prazna. Ventil se po pritisku odpre za približno 2-3 sekunde in nato samodejno zapre.

  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. PGiven that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P
  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P


Magura Vyron MDS-V3
Letnik modela: 2023
Trajanje testa: 4 tedne
Cena: € 579,90,- priporočena maloprodajna cena
+ Ergonomija daljinskega upravljalnika
+ hitra namestitev
+ nizka sila za upravljanje
+ vrhunska izdelava
o drago, vendar v rangu elektronske konkurence
o Sleep način
- težko
- namestitev torbic pod sedež ni možna
Ocena BB: V3, 3V? Veliko bolj ergonomično, veliko hitreje, veliko intuitivneje - odlično!

Poleg enostavne namestitve in vrhunske izdelave prepriča tudi funkcionalnost sedežne opore Vyron MDS-V3. Prednosti v primerjavi z mehansko vodenimi variabilnimi sedežnimi oporami so na žalost precej drage.
Praktično vsak okvir je danes zasnovan za kabelske variabilne opore in ima ustrezne vodnike za kable. Ljubitelji, ki se lahko odpovedo dodatku ergonomije, bodo morda prihranili denar za brezžično dropper sedežno oporo.
Vendar pa tistim, ki želijo svoje kolo nadgraditi brez velikega truda in/ali želijo imeti čim manj kablov na krmilu, toplo priporočamo Magura Vyron MDS-V3!

Ergonomija novega daljinskega upravljalnika je izjemna in predstavlja za mene največjo prednost tretje generacije. Prav tako so pomembne prednosti intuitivno in znatno hitrejše delovanje. In dejstvo, da je Vyron zdaj vodoodporen, je le še dodatek!
Edina pomanjkljivost je Sleep način, ki ga je mogoče prekiniti samo s pritiskom tipke na vrhu opore, ter precej velika teža, ki malo zmanjšuje sicer pozitiven celotni vtis.

  • Given that the text within the triple quotes is a product name, "Magura Vyron V3," it would remain unchanged in the translation. P