Magazine People
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Photo gallery (Video coming soon): Under radiant sunshine and summery temperatures, we headed to Piestingtal for a coffee break, ... #awesomefuntimes2024-04-13T04:37:00+00:0013.04.24 04:37
Erwin Haiden
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Against the training jungle, for a uniform curriculum with quality and structure. With a service-oriented advocacy, the local Bikeguides are ...2024-02-27T09:04:00+00:0027.02.24 09:04
NoMan, Peter Schrottmayer
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The eccentrics of the past are considered pioneers today. A quarter of a century after their founding, the BikeHotels South Tyrol look back on ...2023-12-05T07:58:00+00:0005.12.23 07:58
Westsiders/Jens Vögele, NoMan, Erwin Haiden
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Together through ups and downs - A pictorial review of the carefree E-MTB autumn excursion in the picturesque landscapes of the Bucklige Welt. ...2023-10-19T07:13:00+00:0019.10.23 07:13
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Valentina Höll successfully defends her title in Scotland against Camille Balanche, while Andreas Kolb becomes the runner-up world champion ...2023-08-06T09:15:00+00:0006.08.23 09:15
NoMan, PM
Our guest editor Martin Granadia met Peter Sagan and learned about most details regarding the official launch of the Sportful Dolomiti Race ...2019-01-16T06:07:00+00:0016.01.19 06:07
Martin Granadia / 169k (Engl. translation by Nene)
An interview with Christoph Strasser, from the Austrian province of Styria, who set a new world record on March 21st 2015 by covering 896.173 ...2015-04-16T07:53:00+00:0016.04.15 07:53
NoPain, Power2Max (proofread by Josh Hayes)
Until about 30 years ago, steel used to be the standard material for bicycles. As time went by, steel was replaced by aluminum and carbon. Now ...2015-03-28T21:55:00+00:0028.03.15 21:55
Dirk Belling, NoPain
Found: 9 entries |