  • Text: Johannes Krenn Rigorous review of the handmade, fast gravel tires from Italy. A real insider tip for Unbound or Long-Distance Unsupported Bikepacking adventures.08.05.24 09:30 588

    Johannes KrennRigorous review of the handmade, fast gravel tires from Italy. A real insider tip for Unbound or Long-Distance Unsupported Bikepacking adventures.08.05.24 09:30 588
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    312 entries


    translated by AI
    Long-term review of the "Team Edition" of the handcrafted premium all-rounder for training and competition.
    19.07.23 05:52
    TRANSLATED BY NoNene, proofread by Josh Hayes
    Belgian Style and colours face Austrian testing and races. A combination which in the end, even led to a regional championship in Cyclocross. ...
    26.02.15 21:22
    Stefan Herr, Luke Biketalker, NoMan (translated by NoNene, proofread by Josh Hayes)
    Found: 3 entries