NoSane's Photo Review 2023
28.12.23 11:42 7772023-12-28T11:42:00+01:00Text: Erwin Haiden (translated by AI)Photos: Erwin HaidenWe traditionally bid farewell to the Bikeboard photo year with a look back at a few highlights from the past season, garnished with one or two culinary treats.28.12.23 11:42 8132023-12-28T11:42:00+01:00NoSane's Photo Review 2023
28.12.23 11:42 8132023-12-28T11:42:00+01:00 Erwin Haiden (translated by AI) Erwin HaidenWe traditionally bid farewell to the Bikeboard photo year with a look back at a few highlights from the past season, garnished with one or two culinary treats.28.12.23 11:42 8132023-12-28T11:42:00+01:00The year 2023 is coming to an end, and as every year, I have mixed together some of my most beautiful photos of the past season for you to enjoy as we "slide into the New Year". For the first time, this includes the In Velo Veritas. Of course, as always, the Salzkammergut Trophy and the Ischgl Ironbike Festival are included too. Unfortunately, I could not be present at the very last edition of the KitzAlpBike, where I was represented by Martin Bihounek, and at the Kufsteinerland Cycling Marathon, Michi Meindl was on duty for Bikeboard this year.
As always, the photos come from our favorite biking areas, especially from our everyday life in and around the NYX's headquarters in Wiener Neustadt.
Wishing you a great slide into the new year and an even more spectacular bike season 2024!
the Bikeboard team wishes youBut besides our local mountains and trails, the gravel and road bike tours in the east of Austria, we were, as every year, a little bit on the move. Thus, South Tyrol has become something like our second bike home and thanks to the Bikehotels South Tyrol it is one of our favorite destinations anew each year. We also got to rock the wonderful natural trails of the 3-Country Enduro Trails at the Reschen Pass again, this time with a home base in South Tyrol. In Ischgl, this year we had a fine Bike & Hike tour to the Hohen Köpfle on the program. However, you will read more about this tour in the spring, just like about our trip to Maishofen in the Salzburg region. The past year started with a tour update and visit to the scenically spectacular Salzkammergut.
All holiday destinations and reports can be found here in the holiday section.
Have fun clicking through and guessing the filming locations, and may the new year be a beautiful and successful one for you!
- more event reports can be found here and the most important dates for 2024 in the calendar
- more technology and details in our Technology section